Facing an unplanned pregnancy?
We’re here to support you.
We know this moment can seem overwhelming and out of control, but you are not alone. You do have choices. Our safe and non-judgmental medical and service teams are here for you. Make an appointment to confirm your pregnancy details and learn about all your options. The Women’s Clinic of the Antelope Valley is a California-licensed medical clinic under the supervision of a licensed physician with a trained team of nurses.
Asking for Help is Strength
Not knowing if you are pregnant can be stressful. Make a pregnancy verification appointment at the WCAV to take a lab-quality pregnancy test that will verify if your home pregnancy test result was accurate. Whatever the results are, our team will be there with you to help you process what is next. If you do receive a positive test, we also offer free limited OB ultrasounds to diagnose pregnancy and confirm details you need to move forward with a pregnancy decision.
Your next step to pregnancy confirmation is a limited OB ultrasound. An ultrasound reveals essential details that a pregnancy test cannot. The main three reasons you need an ultrasound are to confirm the location of your pregnancy, confirm fetal heartbeat, and determine how far along you are in the pregnancy. Learning more about your pregnancy allows you to make your own informed decision. You have choices. We are here to help you sort through them.
Yes, we offer all our pregnancy services and support at no cost to you because we care about your pregnancy journey. Whether you just need to confirm your pregnancy or you are seeking information regarding your options, we are here to offer you care at no cost. You do not need insurance because we do not bill for services. You do not need to be a resident of California – our services are free regardless of where you are from. Receive extra support from our team as you face an unplanned pregnancy. We are here to alleviate some of the pressure that you may be feeling. You are not alone.