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Am I actually pregnant? Did I take the test at the right time? How will I take care of a child? These may be a few of the many questions you have about a potential pregnancy. We understand how nerve-racking this process can be when confirming a possible unplanned pregnancy. You are not alone.

Questions are all a part of the process. You deserve to know the facts when it comes to your pregnancy and your options. Confidence comes with clarity.

Common Pregnancy Symptoms

While every woman’s pregnancy journey is different, you could experience one or more of these common pregnancy symptoms, according to the Mayo Clinic:

  • A missed period
  • Tender, swollen breasts
  • Fatigue
  • Moodiness
  • Nausea with or without vomiting
  • Increased urination

It’s important to note that just because you received a positive result on your home pregnancy test doesn’t mean that you are indeed pregnant. Missing a period may not be abnormal if you have an irregular menstrual cycle.

Though it’s rare, you could have received a false positive pregnancy test result due to taking it at the wrong time or taking it incorrectly. We can help verify your test results.

Your First Step to Pregnancy Confirmation

To be sure of your pregnancy test results, follow up on your home pregnancy test with a free, lab-quality pregnancy test at our clinic.

After confirming your pregnancy test result, we can see if you qualify for a free limited OB ultrasound. An ultrasound goes one step further to identify how far along you are, the location of your pregnancy, and whether or not you miscarried.

We are here to walk with you during this time. You DO have choices. We are here to help you sort through all of them. Contact us today to schedule your initial pregnancy test appointment to get answers.